Head Hunting
By working only within well defined niche markets for many years, Our team has developed an enviable track record in identifying and soliciting interest from the industry’s top talent.
Using our team of researchers and network of contacts developed over many years, HRC will identify and approach the very best available talent and present your organization and opportunity to them. Interested applicants are interviewed, tested and screened paying attention to their motives for looking to change position and a shortlist is forwarded.
Key points about HRC’s Search and Selection:
• Every assignment is started from scratch. We undertake in-depth research for your role, therefore, ensuring we identify the highest caliber candidates working today.
• HRC’s consultant you meet and brief will the one who will deliver the assignment. We do not pass our assignments on to Junior Consultants resulting in your requirement being lost in translation.
• Communication between us is critical. We will keep you updated about the progress we are making as often as you choose.
• We have a reputation for “finding needles in haystacks” and so have a solid track record of success even with the most difficult assignment briefs.