The Management Development Program (MDP) that is designed to provide companies and its employees with the training and exposure they need to become future business leaders. It advances managers career, empower them with greater self-confidence, people skills and business insight. Our system is based over years of business knowledge and success. The program gives opportunities to participants to gain practical management experience and learn valuable skills through different means. Our simple business models and mentorship make successful business results possible!
What does an MDP include ?
Ø Customer service
Ø Planning and Budgeting
Ø Time Management
Ø Sales and Marketing Systems and Techniques
Ø Personnel Management
Ø Interpersonal Skills Development (negotiation techniques, conflict and stress management)
Ø Business Administration Procedures
Ø Equipment, Tools, Products and Supplies
What are the methodologies used to facilitate training ?
Ø Instructional DVDs
Ø Operational Training manuals (hard copies and electronic versions)
Ø On-line testing
Ø In-class seminars
Ø Field training
Ø Product seminars (conducted by suppliers)
Ø Consultation Services provided by Senior Management including Regional and District Managers
Ø Different benefits of MDP ?
Ø Develop a global and integrated overview of the company
Ø Revise attitudes of leadership, teamwork and personal commitment with the mission of the company and its long-term targets.
Ø Accentuate the capacity of acting with a results-oriented business mentality, but also directed at the development of people, the company and society.
Ø Creates good teamwork and building organizational culture.
Ø Increases retention of employees through leadership capacity that develops and uses talent effectively.