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Description: HR Training

Corporate Training

Imagine a world where your team communicates and everyone from the top down understands the company strategy and implements it with pride and passion. We use adult learning approaches, themes and training techniques to help you align your business strategy to your people.

By building tested success strategies into our team building programs we create an environment that encourages trust, team spirit, communication, integrity and determination.


HRC’s Training Program

HRC’s training programs are based on core human processes -the ways we experience ourselves and the world- thinking, feeling, doing, and sensing. These processes safely support to engage all ways of experiencing-thinking, feeling, sensing, and doing- so that you relate to yourself and with the external world with understanding, respect, appreciation and joy.



HRC believes that Life is a continuous changing process in which nothing is permanent. In this process to enhance the inbuilt strengths we orient our programs in developing ourselves as contributing human beings.



Our Objectives


To enhance work / life balances by imparting training in “people skills” which complement “professional skills”. To focus on Bringing Effectiveness, Achievement,  Motivation, Enhancement of various functional and behavioral skill and competency sets, Entrepreneurship, Motivation, Personal Growth and Personality Development. 


Our Role


The role of HRC facilitator is to provide a relationship to the group so that they can learn and grow.


Our Facilitators


The facilitators are grounded in the human process facilitation as well as holistic psychotherapy.


Target Group


We have successfully trained employees of Corporate Sector, Professionals / self-employed or otherwise and students. Have individually conducted many programs with special focus on Sales Skills, Achievement, Motivation, Self Development and Stress Management.


Group Size

All programs are conducted for small group of 9 to 20 participants.



All training programs are organized in a calm and quite trainee friendly environment preferably with nature.



In addition to conventional methods, learning takes place mainly through experimental exercises, role-playing, games, conceptualizing and reflecting in an interactive group of participants. Training sessions are conducted in English or Hindi.



Procedure being followed is;

Objective 1: Determine what training is needed.  Objective 4: Know who your audience is.
Objective 2: Determine who needs to be trained. Objective 5: Draw up a detailed blueprint.
Objective 3: Know how best to train adult learners.





  • Leadership Skills Development
  • Coaching and Counseling
  • Communication Skills & Understanding body language for success 
  • Self Motivation & Performance Orientation.
  • Assertiveness to succeed
  • How to negotiate a Win-Win situation.
  • Stress Management & Effective Relaxation Techniques.
  • Competency Based Interviewing Skills.
  • Performance Management & Counseling.
  • Understanding Change & Decision-making.
  • Motivation & Goal Setting.
  • Don’t delays do it today (Stop procrastination).
  • People Skills (Interpersonal & Influencing Skills).
  • Effective Time Management.
  • Running Successful Business Meetings.
  • Successful Problem Solving.
  • Enhancing Communication & Presentation Skills.
  • Developing a Winning Attitude.
  • Retail Selling Skills.
  • Effective Selling /Key - Account Handling Skills.
  • Handling Customer Complaints/ Objections.
  • Soft landing in organizations for fresh recruits. 
  • Corporate Grooming & Business Etiquettes.

Key Sevices

Job Opportunities