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Permanent Staffing

Are you facing tough time in recruiting the right talents for your Permanent placements? Are you looking for professional HR Permanent placement service provider? HRC is here to support you in your permanent staffing requirements. We offer Permanent staffing services to our clients ranging from Startup companies, SMEs, Large Scale to Multi-National companies. Our wide range of HR Placement consulting solutions helps organizations bring the right talents that take organizations a step ahead.

“Great vision without great people is irrelevant.”

HRC offer high quality HR services. Services of our company are both for the employer and the job-seekers. We assist the job-seekers and give tips for resume writing, cover letters and to pass a job interview successfully.

With our excellent networking and a sound data bank potential candidates from various categories ( like candidates for Chief Executive Director, Sales professionals, sales executives, EDP managers, export executives, computer operators, receptionist, admin / HR personal, secretaries , technical staff, engineers, accountants, purchase officers, production managers etc), we have an access to an astonishing number of job seekers

Screening , Selecting and Short listing
As we are well versed with the business operations and industrial requirements of various sectors, we conduct the screening tests of the potential candidates in a highly professional manner. Duly assisted by industry specialists, we can also conduct the selection round, choosing the right candidate for the vacancy and saving significant time at your end.

Arranging for schedule interviewing
After the candidate has been short listed at our end and is ready to face the interview, we schedule the same with you, as per mutual convenience of both the parties and we will follow up with the candidates for all levels of interview.

Salary Negotiations
After the confirmation that the candidate sent has been selected by the client, we try and sort if any salary negotiations are there between the two parties.

Reference Check
We take the references of the reporting boss from all companies from the candidate, do the reference check and submit the report to the client once the selection process is over.
Meticulous follow up is done till the time the candidate joins.

Our Assurance and policies

We guarantee free replacement of any candidate, if he quits the job within 3 months of joining.

Key Sevices

Job Opportunities